Snapdragon, Potomac Mix

Sale price Price $9.00 Regular price

This snapdragon mix make a great cut flower that last up to 10 days in the vase! They are extremely bee friendly so even if you decide you can't bring yourself to cut them into bouquets they will still attract a wide variety of beneficial insects and birds to the garden—along with admiring neighbors!

Snapdragon: These amazing garden flowers should be in every kitchen garden! I love their happy tall flower spikes and they make great cut flowers that come back over and over again all summer long. Snaps come in a huge variety of colors and look amazing in a vase as well as in the garden bed.

Growing Tips: If you are going to grow snapdragons for cut flowers I recommend planting them about 6 inches apart in order to encourage tall straight stems. While if you are planting as a bedding plant give them a good 12 inches so they can bush out easily.