Cabbage, Early Jersey Wakefield

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The perfect size for dinner! Early Jersey Wakefield tastes great simply sliced in half and roasted with olive oil and salt to bring out its sweet flavors. It was originally introduced in the 1840s by Francis Brill of Jersey City, New Jersey and produces 2 pound conical heads that arrive early in the spring.

Cabbage: Cabbage is the same species as broccoli and kale. Probably first cultivated in Europe as early as 1000 BC, it has been an important part of people’s diets for centuries. It usually plays in a minor role in our gardens nowadays but they make a tasty, interesting and beautiful addition to the home garden and should be much more common!

Growing Tips: While most cabbages get pretty large and need a good 18 to 24 inches of space between them, some of the smaller garden varieties can be planted much closer together. Cabbages love a lot of fertility and moisture all season long, so prepare the garden with plenty of compost and consider drip irrigation to much sure they have everything they need.