Sweet Pepper, Jimmy Nardello's

Sale price Price $5.00 Regular price

These long, pointed, thin-walled peppers are chock-a-block full of sugar—making this a perfect pepper for frying, roasting or eating straight out of the garden. It was brought to the US by the Nardello family when they immigrated in 1887 from their hometown of Routi, about 2 hours east of Naples, Italy. These peppers mature from green to glossy red and are featured on the Slow Food's Ark of Taste list.

Sweet Pepper: These peppers were native to North America before spreading across the world. They deserve their worldwide appeal too! Sweet peppers run the gamut from smaller lunchbox size to large boxy stuffing peppers. Their flavors can be smokey or sweet or sharp. All of which are worth exploring!

Growing Tips: Sweet peppers love sun and heat! They do great all summer long in a greenhouse as well as in the garden. Give peppers plenty of fertility and at least 12 inches between plants.