Cool Season Garden

Sale price Price $66.00 Regular price

The Cool Season Garden is designed to get your garden off to a great start! Enjoy the bounty of the early spring season by planting this perfect bundle of vegetables during the first weeks of April. These vegetables are all frost-tolerant and thrive in cool weather.

Included with the package is a planting guide and map, providing advice on how to space plants for the best gardening results. Its like a mini-consult included in the bundle for free!

Containing 13+ plants in total, the Cool Season Garden is perfect for a 4'x4' bed.

What's in the bundle:
- 6 lettuces
- 2 Kale
- 1 Broccoli
- 1 Cauliflower
- 1 Brussels Sprouts
- 1 pot of 8 Yellow Onions

Order now and the Cool Season Garden will be delivered in early April.

We'll honor this gift card for up to 3 years from purchase - we'll do our best to keep the same variety of crops, though availability might change down the line.