Leek, King Richard

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King Richard are an early season, tall, thin leek that are ready just in time to go on the grill! Plant them deep enough (about 6 inches deep) in order to encourage long white blanched stems.

Leek: Leeks are an amazing addition to the home garden that I just don’t see enough of out there. They grow very well in the spring into the summer or can be planted later in the summer and left in the garden overwinter for an early spring harvest.

Growing Tips: Plant leeks about 6 inches apart within rows and about 18 inches between rows. I recommend using the handle of a rake to make a hole that’s about 6” deep. Separate out each individual leek from the pack (a bucket of water helps) and drop them in the hole. Only a couple of inches of leaf needs to poke out. Rain will gradually fill the hole back in and the deep hole will encourage a tall, blanched, tender stem.