Lettuce, Dragoon

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A great compliment to Breen. These rich green miniature romaine heads stand about 6 inches tall and are the perfect size for a salad for two. Dragoon has a wonderfully buttery flavor and is great treat that can fit into small spaces.

Lettuce: Almost synonymous with the backyard veggies garden, lettuce is a great addition to the garden beds. These low, leafy rosettes come in a couple different categories - like romaine, boston, buttercrunch, or oakleaf, - and hundreds of different varieties! They do their best in the spring and fall when the hot summer heat doesn’t tempt them to make flowers and develop a bitter flavor.

Growing Tips: Plant lettuce about 10 inches between heads (6 if they are a miniature variety) and keep them well watered. I like to put down a little straw mulch to help keep the soil moist. If they get very dry or very hot they may ‘bolt’ by trying to build a tall center stem with flowers. When they do they get more bitter so eat them quickly!