Tomatillo, Purple Coban

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These dark purple fruits have a sweeter flavor than green tomatillos and make beautiful purple salsas. Less sticky than most other tomatillos, Purple Coban has been making amazing sauces for years and years.

Tomatillo: These great, bushy veggies are close relatives of tomatoes and peppers, and are originally from the Americas. Their sweet and tangy fruit come tucked away in a papery covering. You know they’re ripe when they burst of their packages. Classically used in green salsas they also taste great with fish and in crab cakes.

Growing Tips: Tomatillo can get pretty big and bushy if you don’t prune them so give them a nice large 18 inch pot or 2 feet of garden space. Just a note when, in order to get pollinated and set fruits there needs to be at least 2 plants in the garden.